Studies with Proven Results in Treating Cancer with CBD

What is CBD

CBD is an active Cannabinoids identified in the plant cannabis. CBD is considered to have a wide scope of potential medical applications. The product cannabinoids account for approximately 40% of the material extracted from the cannabis plant. You can buy CBD oil with a proper prescription at various locations locally, or online.


Known Uses for Cannabis/Hemp

The plant extract has been used for quite a while in treating catastrophic forms of epilepsy. Dietary supplements have been known to contain CBD, and has the chemical has proved helpful in treating Dravet Syndrome. Products containing Cannabis are sold under the name of Charlotte’s Web Hemp Extract.


Effects of Cannabidiol on Malignant Tumors

Cannabidiol has proven to slow the growth of tumors in pulmonary malignancies. CBD is known to induce a tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase-1 synthesis and activity. Decreased tumor growth in malignancies has also been seen in other cancerous tumors as exhibited after cannabidiol has been administered.


CBD – As a Potential Anticancer Drug

Evidence supports the anti-tumourigenic effect of cannabinoids. Cannabidiols exhibits a wide variety of anticarcinogenic effects by impairing the invasion of cancerous cells, especially in cervical and lung/pulmonary cancers. Cancer cells also decreased in tumor cell invasiveness from the use of CBD. The findings provided the anti-invasive action to encourage its use as a therapeutic option for treatment of highly invasive cancers.


It should also be noted that the opposite can hold true, and Cannabinoids may increase the proliferation of tumor cells as the immune system becomes suppressed by the effects of Cannabinoids. Dosage should be closely monitored and tested for the health of the immune system.


An ingredient in marijuana was proven to benefit patients with brain cancer. Unfortunately, brain cancer cells grow quicker than normal brain cells, but it was noted during many tests monitoring the effects of cancerous brain cells treated with marijuana that the cancerous brain cells on the drug died at a higher rate than with any other drug applied to aggressive forms of brain cancer.


CBD and Breast Cancer

The exact molecular mechanism created bu CBD is not yet been crystallized but is has been shown that CBD-induced cell death of breast cancer cells. This activity is independent of cannabinoid activation.


CBD for Cancer Therapy


CBD Hemp Oil for Pain

Cannabis Topicals

  • Tinctures are liquid cannabis extractions and typically applied under the tongue.
  • Among the earliest forms of cannabis applied for pain relief.
  • Does not work on severe pain, and other methods should be explored.



  • Check out the CBD strains that are high in-CBD
  • Check the high levels of CBD strains for having only trace amounts of THC.
  • The CBD containing trace amounts of THC will not produce psychoactive (high) effects.
  • Cannabis Strains high in CBD are: Charlotte’s Web, Harlequin, Sour Tsunami, Cannatonic, Remedy, Pennywise and ACDC


The non-psychoactive, highly therapeutic compound known as CBD or Cannabidiol is steadily increasing in popularity and is revolutionizing medical marijuana usage.

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